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Dirty Creole Spiced Okra Martini

June 25, 2021

Dirty Creole Spiced Okra Martini

Salty, briney, and slightly spicy, this Dirty Martini recipe is for the bold. In fact, it will attack your taste buds in the best way possible. Chefs Nicole and David of A Moveable Feast by Nicole elevated our Creole Spiced Okra in ways we never imagined. If the Dirty Martini is a martini taken to the next level, the Dirty Creole Spiced Okra Martini is a martini from another world.



  1. Combine all ingredients in a cocktail glass.
  2. Add a large handful of ice.
  3. Stir until chilled.
  4. Strain into a martini glass.
  5. Garnish with Creole Spiced Okra spear.

Recipe made in collaboration with Chefs Nicole & David, @nicolesmoveablefeast