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Hot Weather Gazpacho

July 19, 2019

Hot Weather Gazpacho

Gazpacho [guh-spah-choh]
1. a Spanish soup made from tomatoes, peppers, etc., and served cold like revenge
2. a stupid-good Spanish soup when made with The Real Dill's Bloody Mary Mix and Bill St. John's recipe (see below)



  1. Take the Bloody Mary Mix and blend with bread, white onion, green bell pepper, and EVOO
  2.  Rim the serving bowls with Bloody Mary Rimming Spice
  3. Garnish with drizzles of more EVOO and toss in more onion and green pepper.
  4. Serve cold. Become refreshed

Makes 2 healthy servings.

Recipe by Bill St. John for Marczyk Fine Foods