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Bloody Mary Rimming Spice Grilled Veggies

July 01, 2022

Bloody Mary Rimming Spice Grilled Veggies

Looking for a summer recipe to whip up in a flash? Grab your favorite veggies, some fresh corn, and a tin of Bloody Mary Rimming Spice. The prep time is minimal, yet the flavor is so robust and satisfying.

  • Vegetables for kabobs (we chose zucchini, peppers, and onions)
  • Fresh corn
  • Olive oil
  • The Real Dill Bloody Mary Rimming Spice

    1. Cut vegetables into chunks. Coat with olive oil and Bloody Mary Rimming Spice. Toss to combine. Thread the vegetables onto skewers. Set aside.
    2. Shuck and clean corn. Coat with olive oil and Bloody Mary Rimming Spice. Set aside.
    3. Heat grill to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Grill kabobs and corn until preferred doneness is reached. Serve immediately.