Turning Our Trash into a Treasure

April 23, 2015

Turning Our Trash into a Treasure

When you wash, prep, and cut over 2,500 lbs of fresh produce every single week, you wind up with a lot of scraps and vegetable waste. Throwing all of those scraps in the dumpster never seemed like the best way to dispose of them. So, we partnered with Re:Vision, a fantastic local non-profit​ who will put our scraps to use as compost!

Every week we are now diverting 300 lbs of vegetable waste from the landfill and into the capable hands of Re:Vision. That’s over 1,000 lbs per month! Here’s more about what Re:Vision does and how the compost is benefitting the community:

• Compost will benefit the Westwood community backyard garden program. 300+ families currently participating.
• Westwood is a food desert, which means that most of the population has limited access to affordable healthy food.
• ReVision is training local men and women as community leaders to grow community ownership. This keeps power in the hands of the people and cultivates thriving, self-sufficient communities.
• Provides better and more controlled nutrient-dense soil, and helps Re:Vision generate revenue.
• Saves Re:Vision money that can be used to fund programming
• Brings the food system full circle! We buy produce from farmers, the waste goes to Re:Vision who grows food for a community in need.

Please take a moment to learn more about Re:Vision and the fantastic work they are doing by checking out their Facebook page and website. We are thrilled to be partnering with them and making  this small contribution towards the wonderful work they are doing!

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