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Environmental Commitment

Environmental Policy

“Waste not, want not” is a proverb that we take to heart. As a business with more resources and reach than the average person has, we believe that it's our responsibility to make a positive and lasting impact on our community, starting with food waste and our environmental footprint. As such, the company is committed to operating in a way that is environmentally responsible; and tracking, measuring, and publishing its positive and negative environmental impacts. Specific commitments include:
  • Composting all compostable food and packaging waste to maintain zero food waste commitment.
  • Diverting waste away from the landfill through creative reuse and strategic partnerships.
  • Dedicating at least 0.15 FTE to coordination and management of the company's sustainability programs.
  • Leadership's ongoing involvement and support of sustainability programs.
  • Leadership's commitment to using the environmental Policy as a driver for decision making and operational guidelines.


We're proudly recognized by the city of Denver and State of Colorado as a Certifiably Green Business and a Gold member of the Environmental Leadership Program.

Sustainability Dedication

When you wash, prep, and cut over 3,000 lbs of fresh produce every single week, you wind up with a lot of vegetable waste. In the early days of The Real Dill, we were tossing around 200 lbs of food scraps in the trash every week. Cucumbers, raw horseradish, dill, and peppers were bagged up and taken to the dumpster. Throwing all of those scraps in the landfill never seemed like the best way to dispose of them. So, we partnered with a handful of local nonprofits, which turn our food trash into compost treasure. Every week, we divert about 775 lbs of vegetable waste from the landfill and into the hands of our partners. That’s over nearly 40,000 lbs per year! With these partnerships and a little creativity, we've successfully progressed forward on our journey to becoming a pickle company that achieves zero food waste

Our commitment to environmental conservation doesn't stop there. We receive countless produce crates each week, which we donate to local non-profits and farmers. And believe it or not, our best selling Bloody Mary Mix was born in an attempt to increase our sustainable efforts by diverting more food from reaching the landfill.